Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)
Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | |||||||||||||
Team: Despojos Triatleticos [J. Cirer, J. Lares Franco, J. Antúnez and A. Babot]
Team: Snip Triathlon Team [C. Arbó, J. Bauza and A. Alzamora ]
Team: A. Mercadal and A. Luis
Team: C.E. Tri R3x [V. Medel , K. Medel and C. Serra]
Team: Global Training A [V. Vizcaino, J. Vizcaino, B. Ferrando and J. Russo]
Team: Global Training B [J. Boyeras Carbonell, M. Perelló and T. Bauza]
Team: Como Nos Llamamos? [D. Bermudez, A. Cantero and F. Riuz]
Team: Ceib Triatló "A" [A. Juan, T. Baruffato and J. Rubio]
Team: Tritorpedos [P. Boda and D. Deya]
Team: Los Master 70 [J. Oliver, R. Chaves and G. Martinez]
Team: Triacademy Pitufos Relay [M. Lares-Franco, J. Fuentes and T. Oliver]
Team: Pasaba Por Aquí Y Me Liaron [A. Cruz and I. Guerrero]
Team: Ceib Triatló B [M. Vidal, S. Dominguez and M. Martínez ]
Team: Ygarza [A. Ygarza and C. Ygarza]
Team: B. Cazador and M. Jover
Team: Ceib Triatlo C [G. Soler, L. Marco, A. Herrera and J. Sastre]
Team: 2 I Mig [L. Dupré, X. Nicolau and B. Caldentey]
Team: Triacademy Ladys [S. Díaz and I. Guerrero]
Team: Ceib Triatló D [I. Umaran, P. Liere, M. Riera and A. Salom]
Team: El rico, el alto y el fuerte [A. Miralles, T. Comes and A. Font]
Team: Ses cabretes [A. Triay , R. Luque, S. Batle and T. Perello]
Team: Un d'aquí i un d'allà [J. Perello and A. Martinez]
Team: Los X-Men [P. Serra, I. Morilla, M. Capo and M. Canovas]
Team: Blancanieves y los 3 enanitos [j. Cantallops, B. Porquer, M. Capó and T. Capó]
Team: Equipo Maravilla [M. Bennasar, M. Llobera, J. Comas and N. Tauler]