Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2019

Registrations Made

Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2019
  • Date: 28/09/2019
  • Cursa per Muntanya
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Soller
  • Time: 06:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 27/05/2019 09:00
  • Limit: 18/09/2019 23:59
  • Fee:
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Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2019

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: T. Vidal, S. Pallerols and B. Obrador
Bartomeu Obrador Carrera 12 Km.
Tomeu Vidal Carrera 31 Km.
Sergi Pallerols Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Mqc [M. Hidalgo, J. Ramon and A. Arroyo]
Manu Hidalgo Carrera 12 Km.
Juan Ramon Carrera 31 Km.
Antonio Arroyo Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Refugi De Muntanaya [M. Dols, T. Vilchez and M. Salom]
Marti Dols Carrera 12 Km.
Torcuato Vilchez Carrera 31 Km.
Mateo Salom Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Muffin'S Cracks [B. Adrover, J. Sureda, J. Sureda and X. Barceló]
Xisca Barceló Carrera 12 Km.
Joan Sureda Carrera 31 Km.
Biel Adrover Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Blue Warriors [T. Edo, M. Orriach and M. Pérez]
Tamara Edo Carrera 12 Km.
María Pérez Carrera 31 Km.
Marta Orriach Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Body&Mind [V. Diaz, D. Cáliz and M. Munar]
Marian Munar Carrera 12 Km.
Victor Diaz Carrera 31 Km.
David Cáliz Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Vikingas Talaiots [M. Gutiérrez, J. Perelló and K. Sánchez ]
Joana Perelló Carrera 12 Km.
Marina Gutiérrez Carrera 31 Km.
Kerenia Sánchez Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Fpm-Actn3 [M. Amengual, P. Vicens and J. Gomila]
Miquel Amengual Carrera 12 Km.
Pedro Vicens Carrera 31 Km.
Joan Gomila Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Correm [M. Capllonch, C. Capllonch, J. Plomer and J. Cifre]
Melania Capllonch Carrera 12 Km.
Jaume Plomer Carrera 31 Km.
Jordi Cifre Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Blue Riders [J. Amorós, P. Mas and M. Romero]
Justo Amorós Carrera 12 Km.
Pau Mas Carrera 31 Km.
Manuel Romero Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Blue Viceversa [M. Salom Vich, A. Mas and M. García]
Maria Jose Salom Vich Carrera 12 Km.
Aina Mas Carrera 31 Km.
Mada García Carrera 22 Km.
Team: #Amunt [D. Consuegra Lopez, S. Diaz and I. Quetglas]
Ismael Quetglas Carrera 12 Km.
Santi Diaz Carrera 31 Km.
David Consuegra Lopez Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Mountain Penguins [A. Mavlankar, J. Ollé I and F. Tugores]
Aniket Mavlankar Carrera 12 Km.
Francisco Tugores Carrera 31 Km.
Josep Ollé I Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Barruts Trail Team [B. Font, T. Vives and J. Martorell]
Joan Martorell Carrera 12 Km.
Tofol Vives Carrera 31 Km.
Biel Font Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Las 3 Marías ?? [M. Gómez, T. Morales and M. Justicia]
María Gómez Carrera 12 Km.
Toni Morales Carrera 31 Km.
Miguel Justicia Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Three Hearts Running [D. Vazquez, S. Czaja and C. Jahn]
Dolli Estela Vazquez Carrera 12 Km.
Christine Jahn Carrera 31 Km.
Silvia Czaja Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Actn3-Pwj [J. Román, W. Bayas and D. De La Rosa]
Javi Román Carrera 12 Km.
Wilson Bayas Carrera 31 Km.
Dimas De La Rosa Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Mountainbreaker [J. Cifre, I. Iltschuk and I. Schunke]
Iris Schunke Carrera 12 Km.
Irina Iltschuk Carrera 31 Km.
Jorge Cifre Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Xendenguets-Actn3 [J. Fernández, J. Bauza and D. Cortés]
Javito Fernández Carrera 12 Km.
Jose Alberto Bauza Carrera 31 Km.
Debora Cortés Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Blue Viwo [B. Garcia, M. Gascuñana and E. Murillo]
Belen Garcia Carrera 12 Km.
Maria De Lluc Gascuñana Carrera 31 Km.
Eva Maria Murillo Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Amics De La Muntanya [J. Garí , T. Moll and A. Salamanca]
Joan Garí Carrera 12 Km.
Andres Salamanca Carrera 31 Km.
Toni Moll Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Mesclats [B. Moyà, J. Tarrasa, M. Calafell and J. Casasnovas ]
Miquel Angel Calafell Carrera 12 Km.
Biel Moyà Carrera 31 Km.
Joan Casasnovas Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Fora frissar team [M. Villarreal, A. Llompart and J. Amezcua]
Maribel Villarreal Carrera 12 Km.
Aina Llompart Carrera 31 Km.
Joana Amezcua Carrera 22 Km.
Team: A. Fernandez, A. Miralles and M. Miralles
Angel Fco. Fernandez Carrera 12 Km.
Miguel Miralles Carrera 31 Km.
Adrian Miralles Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Mallorca Warriors [G. Colombo, O. Amengual, D. Maringgele and O. Torres]
Oscar Torres Carrera 12 Km.
Giacomo Colombo Carrera 31 Km.
David Maringgele Carrera 22 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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