III MTB Berganti Bikes 2016

Registrations Made

III MTB Berganti Bikes 2016
  • Date: 25/09/2016
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • City: Sa comuna Lloret de Vistalegre
  • Time: 11:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 19/09/2016 14:00
  • Limit: 24/09/2016 21:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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III MTB Berganti Bikes 2016

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Mou-Te En Bici M20 [G. Torrens and M. Salom]
Guillem Torrens BTT
Miquel Salom BTT
Team: D. Moreno and J. González
David Moreno BTT
José Manuel González BTT
Team: Pub6kaires Llubí [J. Guardiola and M. Llabrés]
Joan Guardiola BTT
Miquel Llabrés BTT
Team: Liveablock Team [V. Ripoll and S. Vila]
Vicenç Ripoll BTT
Sebastià Vila BTT
Team: Caldentey [P. Cazorla and A. Cartaña]
Paco Cazorla BTT
Alexis Cartaña BTT
Team: Burundanga Team [Ã. Campos and J. Bennasar ]
Óscar Campos BTT
Jose Bennasar BTT
Team: Pizzas Playa Verde [J. Ordinas and G. Puigserver]
Joan Miquel Ordinas BTT
Guiem Puigserver BTT
Team: Bernat'S Team [B. Mesquida and B. Mieras]
Bernardo Mieras BTT
Bernat Mesquida BTT
Team: The Brothers Team [A. Espinosa and R. Espinosa]
Alvaro Espinosa BTT
Rafael Espinosa BTT
Team: Galletas Rossello [R. Monserrat and J. Rosello]
Rafel Monserrat BTT
Jordi Rosello BTT
Team: Sonri'S [J. Palomares and T. Giralt]
Toni Giralt BTT
Joaquin Palomares BTT
Team: C C Pollensa [S. Gomez and F. Mir]
Sebastian Gomez BTT
Francisco Mir BTT
Team: Currobikes [J. Lopez and G. Vadell]
Guillem Bartomeu Vadell BTT
Jose Maria Lopez BTT
Team: Muñoz Team [J. Muñoz and J. Muñoz]
Joan Pau Muñoz BTT
Juan Muñoz BTT
Team: Fora De Sèrie [T. Camps and R. Ramis]
Toni Amador Camps BTT
Rafel Ramis BTT
Team: Montanbikeros [F. Garcia and R. García]
Francisco Javier Garcia BTT
Rafael García BTT
Team: Duet Ciclismoenmallorca [M. Riusech and F. Farré de Febrer]
Miquel Riusech BTT
Ferran Farré de Febrer BTT
Team: C.E.Impossible365 [O. Jimenez and G. Fassanelli]
Gustavo Javier Fassanelli BTT
Orlando Jimenez BTT
Team: Club Ciclista Lloret [J. Vaquer and X. Verd ]
Team: Club Ciclista Lloret [C. Bauza and A. Oliver]
Team: Team Miquel & Jaume [J. Bauçà and M. Mas]
Team: Team Patxi & Pere Pau [P. Mayol and P. Pomar]
Team: The Belgian Bullets 1987 [D. Geens and J. Vanwesemael]
Team: The Belgian Tornados [K. Frans and J. Scappichio ]
Team: The Red Panda's [M. Van Beylen and M. Gielens]
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