II MTB Berganti-Bikes 2015

Registrations Made

II MTB Berganti-Bikes 2015
  • Date: 27/09/2015
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 11:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 23/09/2015 13:00
  • Limit: 25/09/2015 22:00
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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II MTB Berganti-Bikes 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Team Sancho Junior [M. Bauçà and G. Riera]
Miquel Bauçà BTT
Guillem Riera BTT
Team: Sontrobat.Com [B. Servera and M. Vives]
Biel Servera BTT
Miquel Vives BTT
Team: Bicicletes Ca'N Nadal - C.C. Amics De Sa Màquina [V. Aceituno and J. Aceituno]
Víctor Aceituno BTT
Jose Carlos Aceituno BTT
Team: Emtexas-1 [J. Juan and R. Servera]
Juan Juan BTT
Rafel Servera BTT
Team: Wc Team [A. Campaner and M. Mas ]
Antonio Campaner BTT
Mateo Mas BTT
Team: Wheels Sport [S. Perelló and J. Perello]
Sebastià Perelló BTT
Jeroni Perello BTT
Team: Bimont [A. Vicens and J. Luna]
Antoni Vicens BTT
Juan Luna BTT
Team: Caps Buits Bunyolins [M. Cabot and P. Bauza]
Pep Bauza BTT
Miquel Cabot BTT
Team: Estiracames [M. Esteso and B. Ramis]
Manuel Esteso BTT
Bernat Ramis BTT
Team: Malalts De Turmell [S. Rigo and B. Ballester]
Sebastia Rigo BTT
Biel Ballester BTT
Team: ...Sancho Boys... [T. Pascual and E. Pascual]
Toni Pascual BTT
Esteve Pascual BTT
Team: Es Berros De Muro [T. Forteza and J. Picó]
Tomeu Forteza BTT
Jordi Picó BTT
Team: C.C. Pollença - Rotxets [X. Mir and F. Mir]
Xisco Mir BTT
Francisco Mir BTT
Team: Poc A Poc [F. Mas and J. Sans]
Francisco Mas BTT
Joan Sans BTT
Team: Pc Establiments [I. Amengual and P. Amengual]
Isidre Amengual BTT
Pere Amengual BTT
Team: Terros [J. Vanrell Borras and P. Gual]
Juan Francisco Vanrell Borras BTT
Pedro Gual BTT
Team: Bicimoto Power 2.0 [A. Pons and B. Moreno ]
Andres Pons BTT
Bartolome Moreno BTT
Team: 100 Emociona -A [T. Sacarés and J. Rubi]
Toni Sacarés BTT
Jaume Rubi BTT
Team: Hijos Del Bini [P. Pujol and E. Pujol]
Pedro Pujol BTT
Esteban Pujol BTT
Team: Masters Liveablockers [T. Enseñat and C. Vidal]
Toni Enseñat BTT
Carlos Vidal BTT
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