VI Duatló Popular Fira de sa Mel 2014

Registrations Made

VI Duatló Popular Fira de sa Mel 2014
  • Date: 09/11/2014
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Plaça de l'esglesia
  • City: LLubi
  • Time: 10:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 08/11/2014 22:00
  • Fee:
    15 €
    12 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

VI Duatló Popular Fira de sa Mel 2014

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Intelligent Interval [S. Ibars and R. García ]
Silvia Ibars Carrera 1030 m.
Raquel García BTT 4000 m.
Team: M.T. [M. Comas and T. Alomar]
Tomeu Alomar Carrera 1030 m.
Miquel Comas BTT 4000 m.
Team: Califor Y Peter [J. Perelló and P. Galmes]
Pedro Galmes Carrera 1030 m.
Juan Perelló BTT 4000 m.
Team: Pub 6 Kaires Llubi [P. Sampol and J. Guardiola]
Pere Antoni Sampol Carrera 1030 m.
Joan Guardiola BTT 4000 m.
Team: L.S.I. [A. Figuerola and C. Fresno]
Antonio Figuerola Carrera 1030 m.
Cesar Fresno BTT 4000 m.
Team: Feim Lo Que Porem [S. Ruiz and T. Aulet]
Tia Aulet Carrera 1030 m.
Sergi Ruiz BTT 4000 m.
Team: Excepte Autoritzats [B. Alomar and J. Llompart]
Biel Alomar Carrera 1030 m.
Josep Llompart BTT 4000 m.
Team: Sa Vileta M50 Team [R. Bennasar and B. Mayans]
Biel Mayans Carrera 1030 m.
Rafel Bennasar BTT 4000 m.
Team: R. Aguilar and L. Mas
Roberto Aguilar Carrera 1030 m.
Lluis Mas BTT 4000 m.
Team: Mito [T. Campaner and M. Campos ]
Miguel Manuel Campos Carrera 1030 m.
Toni Campaner BTT 4000 m.
Team: Cunyats [J. Molina and A. Cladera]
Andreu Cladera Carrera 1030 m.
Juan Molina BTT 4000 m.
Team: Bini-Costitx [M. Salas and J. Nicolau]
Miquel angel Salas Carrera 1030 m.
Julià Nicolau BTT 4000 m.
Team: Cami-Gardenhotels.Com [J. Llobera and N. Alarcón]
Noemí Alarcón Carrera 1030 m.
Javier Martín Llobera BTT 4000 m.
Team: No Farem Darrers / Sa Riba Ct-Garden Hotels [M. Mariano and D. Ramis]
Damian Ramis Carrera 1030 m.
Monserrat Mariano BTT 4000 m.
Team: Incapower [A. Martínez and M. Osuna]
Ascensión Martínez Carrera 1030 m.
Miquel Osuna BTT 4000 m.
Team: R. Pascual and M. Quetglas
Rafel Pascual Carrera 1030 m.
Miquel Quetglas BTT 4000 m.
Team: Tira Tira [R. Perello and P. Llompart ]
Pep Llompart Carrera 1030 m.
Rafel Perello BTT 4000 m.
Team: Zipi I Zape Team [M. Toribio and R. Sedano]
Ramon Sedano Carrera 1030 m.
Marta Toribio BTT 4000 m.
Team: Bad Ass [S. Jiménez and M. Jaume]
Sara Adela Jiménez Carrera 1030 m.
Martin Jaume BTT 4000 m.
Team: M. Rotger and F. Forteza
Francesc Forteza Carrera 1030 m.
Miguel Rotger BTT 4000 m.
Team: N. Gomila and M. Arbona
Nofre Gomila Carrera 1030 m.
Miquel Arbona BTT 4000 m.
Team: The Riba Team [L. Estelrich and J. Busquets]
Lluís Estelrich Carrera 1030 m.
Jaume Busquets BTT 4000 m.
Team: C. Figuerola and J. Florit
Cecilia Figuerola Carrera 1030 m.
Joan Florit BTT 4000 m.
Team: Radiomateu Team [M. Mateu and A. Martinez ]
Maria Del Pilar Mateu Carrera 1030 m.
Agustin Martinez BTT 4000 m.
Team: Los Garcia [A. García and E. García Gómez]
Elena García Gómez Carrera 1030 m.
Alejandro García BTT 4000 m.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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