II 8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina Formentera 2013

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 18/05/2013
  • Laufen
  • Formentera
  • Uhrzeit: 18:00
  • Angemeldete:
  • Organiza: Unisport Consulting
  • Gebühren:
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10/11/2024 | Mallorca

II 8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina Formentera 2013

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs


Start: Sant Ferran, Ctra. de La Mola Km. 6,2 at 6 p.m.

Finish: Paseo de la Marina (La Savina).

Latest arrival time: 8:00 p.m.

Registration deadline: 600 runners

Registration fee:

  •  15 €, before April 23rd
  •  20 €, from April 24th till May 13th (online registration period will finish on May 13th at 12 p.m.)
  •  30 € on Friday May 17th (new registrations will be not accepted on Saturday May 18th)


The constitution of a category requires the inscription of a minimum of three athletes in said category. To the contrary the Organization reserves the right to invalidate said category and classify athletes in others.

  •  Absolute masculine.
  •  Absolute feminine.
  •  Local absolute male (cumulative trophy with other categories).
  •  Local absolute female (cumulative trophy with other categories).
  •  Junior masculine and feminine (01/01/1994 – 18/05/1997)
  •  Up and coming and senior masculine and feminine (19/05/1978 - 31/12/1993)
  •  M35 masculine and feminine (19/05/1968 – 18/05/1978)
  •  M45 masculine and feminine (19/05/1958 – 18/05/1968)
  •  M55 masculine and feminine (born before 19/05/1958)

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