Half Marathon Magaluf 2025

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 05/04/2025
  • Laufen
  • Mallorca
  • Ort: Magaluf
  • Uhrzeit: 17:30
  • Angemeldete:
  • Beginn Anmeldung: 11/07/2024 00:01
  • Limit: 17/04/2025 23:59
  • Organiza: Fundacio Calvia
  • Gebühren:
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federacio Atletisme Illes Balears

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16/03/2025 | Mallorca

Half Marathon Magaluf 2025

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs




Date: 05th of April 2025 

Race starts: 5.30 pm (18 h)

Start and finish place: Athletics track in Magaluf

Web: https://www.maratonmagaluf.com/


  • 10 k
  • 21 k (Half Marathon)

Pick up BIB numbers:

  • Friday 04th of April from 4.00 to 8.00 pm – Athletics track Magaluf
  • Saturday 05th of April from 1.00 to 4.30 pm – Athletics track Magaluf


The deadline to register online date is 01th April 2025. From that moment you can register personally at the pick up Bib number, located in the athletics track of Calvia(Magaluf).


10 k


July and August 2024

14 €

24 €

September and October 2024

18 €

26 €

November and December 2024

20 €

28 €

January and February 2025

22 €

30 €

March 2025

24 €

35 €

April  (4th & 5 of April 25)

30 €

40 €


The minimum age to participate in Half Marathon Magaluf is 18 years.

The minimum age to participate in 10Kms is 16 years (It’s necessary parental consent for minors).

Cancellation & refund policy

  • Until 31th December 2024: 75% refund
  • Until 31th January 2025: 50% refund
  • Until 5th March 2025: 25% refund
  • From 6th March 2025: No refunds possible

Services included in the registration

-        Commemorative T-shirt

-        Medal (Finisher)

-        Itinerant Pasta Party ticket

-        Aid stations during the races

-        Aid station post-race

-        Cloakroom

-        Showers

-        Physioterapists

-        Race timing

-        Prizes

-        Kid's race

-         Etc.


10 kms

21 kms

Male / female overall

Male / female overall

Young (born in  2008 & 2009)


Junior (born in  2006 & 2007)

Junior (born in  2006 & 2007)

Promise (born between  2003 & 2005)

Promise (born between  2003 & 2005)

Senior (born between 1991 & 2002)

Senior (born between 1991 & 2002)

M35/W35 (born between 1986 & 1990)

M35/W35 (born between 1986 & 1990)

M40/W40 (born between 1981 & 1985)

M40/W40 (born between 1981 & 1985)

M45/W45 (born between 1976 & 1980)

M45/W45 (born between 1976 & 1980)

M50/W50 (born between 1971 & 1975)

M50/W50 (born between 1971 & 1975)

M55/W55 (born between 1966 & 1970)

M55/W55 (born between 1966 & 1970)

M60/W60 ((born between 1961 & 1965)

M60/W60 ((born between 1961 & 1965)

M65/W65 ((born between 1956 & 1960)

M65/W65 ((born between 1956 & 1960)

M70/W70 ((born between 1955 or  earlier)

M70/W70 ((born between 1955 or  earlier)


Prizes & Trophies:

21 kms Half Marathon Magaluf

1st  classified F/M


2nd  classified F/M


3rd classified F/M


4th  classified F/M


5th  classified F/M


1st  classified LOCAL



?       Trophy for the first 3 classified in each of the categories listed in the AGE GROUPS

10kms Magaluf:

1st  classified F/M


2nd  classified F/M


3rd classified F/M


1st  classified LOCAL



?       Trophy for the first 3 classified in each of the categories listed in the AGE GROUPS



Anmerkungen Anmeldung

Los menores de 18 años deberán enviar al correo electrónico ice@calvia.com  esta autorización firmada por padre, madre o tutor, al menos 10 días antelación a la disputa del evento o su inscripción será cancelada.

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