PTST 2010 - Serra de Tramuntana 2010

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 10/04/2010
  • Cursa per Muntanya
  • Mallorca
  • Uhrzeit: 08:00
  • Limit: 31/03/2010 00:00
  • Organiza: Projectes i execucions balears
  • Gebühren:
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PTST 2010 - Serra de Tramuntana 2010

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs


Pulsa aquí para acceder a: 
UTST Ultra Trail Serra de Tramuntana 2010 (102 km)

Pulsa aquí para acceder a la pàgina web Oficial:
PTST - UTST Serra de Tramuntana 2010

Pulsa aquí para acceder al Servicio de Autocar:
 UTST Servei Autocar - Inscripcions


Anmerkungen Anmeldung

  • Ultra-Trail
    • General: 70 euros
    • Finishers UTST 2009 (participant who finished the 2009 edition): 30 euros
    • Volunteers UTST 2009 (which gave support to the trail from one of the avituallamentos): 10 euros
    • Registration after February 10 have a surcharge of 20 euros (except for volunteers, 2009)
  • Petit-Trail
    • Overall: 40 euros
    • Volunteers UTST 2009 (which gave support to the trail from a victualling): 10 euros
    • Registration after February 10, have a surcharge of 10 euros (except for voluntaris 2009)
  • Other possible costs:
    • To make the trail is necessary to be federated with a form of insurance that covers the mountain races. If Land is not necessary to purchase insurance from one day at a cost of 5 euros.
    • If quire use the coach service from Palma to Andratx and exit, in the case of the Ultra-Trail and the Trail of the Petit-cost is 15 euro
    • The test is timed using the chip MyLaps yellow (ChampionChip) if there is no yellow chip is necessary to rent one for an additional charge of 3 euros.
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