IX Mitja Marató Illa de Formentera 2017

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

  • Datum: 13/05/2017
  • Laufen
  • Formentera
  • Ort: La Savina
  • Uhrzeit: 17:30
  • Beginn Anmeldung: 22/11/2016 12:00
  • Limit: 18/12/2016 23:59
  • Organiza: Unisport Consulting
  • Gebühren:
    38 €
    30 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federacio Atletisme Illes Balears/RFEA 2017

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27/07/2024 | Mallorca

IX Mitja Marató Illa de Formentera 2017

Einzelheiten des Wettkampfs

IX 1/2 Marató Popular Illa de Formentera


Date: 13 de maig de 2017.

Start: Far de la Mola a les 17:30 hores Finish: Passeig de la Marina (la Savina).

Registration fee: 30 €

Minimum age: Participants must be 18 on the day of the competition.

Return policy: No refunds will be given for any reason.


Race Control: Participants who have a yellow chip may use it once they have coded it through the organisation (enter the code in the registration form on the website). Participants who do not own a chip must rent a white chip when registering (€3 rent + €5 deposit), which will be provided to them upon collection of the race number. The €5 deposit will be returned upon completion of the race and return of the chip.

Transfer of Participants: A shuttle service to the starting line is available to participants, upon request when filling out the registration form.

Alongside their race number, all participants will be given a ticket corresponding to the starting point as chosen on the registration form. To access the bus, the race number must be shown and this ticket must be provided, which must match the stop.

Once the transfer point has been chosen on the registration form, any changes will have to be made upon collection of the race number in Formentera. Changes by phone or by e-mail will NOT be accepted.

Points transfer of participants and times:

  • La Savina (Parking Ferry Terminal) at 3 p.m.
  • Es Pujols (C/ Barcelona, near square direction Sant Ferran) at 3 p.m.
  • Sant Francec Xavier (Parking Sa Sanieta – Eroski Suprmarket)) at 4 p.m.
  • Sant Ferran (in front of Hostal Illes Pitiuses) at 4:15 p.m.
  • Es Ca Mari Crossing (Pm-820) at 4:15 p.m.
  • Es Caló (little port parking area), at 4:15 p.m.
  • Mariland crossing (rising up to La Mola), at 4:30 p.m.

+ Information www.marato-formentera.com

Anmerkungen Anmeldung

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