Federacio de Ciclisme de les Illes Balears
Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.
Name | Year | Gender | Club | Category | |||||||
Team: Costellades Team [T. Arrom and M. Ferreira]
Team: Tom I Jerry [L. Garcia and P. Peñaranda]
Team: C.A Es Raiguers I Ct Santanyí [D. Esbri and E. Ramirez]
Team: Gual - Ribot [J. Ribot and M. Gual]
Team: Quitonga Muro [T. Perello and J. Moragues ]
Team: Estrellados [D. Paraiso and P. Sanchez]
Team: Maimo’S [P. Maimó and J. Maimo]
Team: Aupuja Mtb [A. Biayna and C. González ]
Team: Torrens Perello [M. Torrens and J. Perelló ]
Team: Gas Pes Nas [J. Riera and J. Sastre]
Team: Pistorius Team [A. Fons and S. Julia]
Team: S'Olivera Team 1 [J. Carbajosa and J. Pérez]
Team: Team Aceituno [V. Aceituno and J. Aceituno ]
Team: Rodadors Porrerencs [M. Rossello and R. Ruiz]
Team: Rodadors [A. Gallardo and A. Sureda]
Team: J. Socias and I. Daza
Team: Mayma [M. Barcelo and M. Espinosa]
Team: Mishò, Tué! [J. Matas and J. Barceló]
Team: Gomila Team [R. Jimenez and D. Escalas]
Team: Mataos [A. Ramirez and E. Garcia]
Team: Calientesteam [K. Yasuire and F. Yasuire]
Team: Ferrobikers Team [M. Rigo and J. Barcelo]
Team: Sa Riba Club [J. Fiol and J. Busquets]
Team: Ferrobikers Team 2 [J. Lliteres and B. Bover]
Team: Crec Que Vaig Buit [J. Oliver and B. Adrover]