IV Atlante Rally Of Classics 2022

Registrations Made

IV Atlante Rally Of Classics 2022
  • Date: 19/11/2022
  • Rally
  • Mallorca
  • City: Palma de Mallorca
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 13/11/2022
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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IV Atlante Rally Of Classics 2022

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Lotus [A. Gene and S. Ledesma]
Antonio Gene Motor
Sonia Ledesma Motor
Team: B. Llaneras and J. Coll
Bartolomé Llaneras Motor
Juan Coll Motor
Team: The Hoots [P. Owles and M. Owles]
Pete Owles Motor
Maliyah Owles Motor
Team: Los Cañete [M. Gómez and C. Del Toro]
Manuel Gómez Motor
Celia Del Toro Motor
Team: Los Canarios [A. Pelluz and V. Rodriguez]
Araceli Pelluz Motor
Ventura Rodriguez Motor
Team: Los Madriles [R. Pelluz and R. Morales]
Raquel Pelluz Motor
Rafael Morales Motor
Team: Carrillo [F. Carrillo and J. Carrillo]
Francisco Carrillo Motor
Jose Carrillo Motor
Team: Lancia Team Mallorca [F. Jimenez and M. Jimenez]
Francisco Jimenez Motor
Manuel Jimenez Motor
Team: C. Blunt and R. Grimm
Chris Blunt Motor
Robyn Grimm Motor
Team: D. Giusti and R. Torres
David Giusti Motor
Ruben Torres Motor
Team: Open The Box [G. Pearson and D. Gillam]
Graham Pearson Motor
David Gillam Motor
Team: Jade Team [H. Pitt and E. Woolger]
Helen Pitt Motor
Team: Es Terrat Administradores [A. Lliteras and J. Ferra Bernard]
Andreu Lliteras Motor
Juan Ferra Bernard Motor
Team: T. Martorell and R. Cosano
Toni Martorell Motor
Rafael Cosano Motor
Team: Furarent [S. Fullana and R. Fullana]
Samuel Fullana Motor
Roberto Fullana Motor
Team: Furarent [J. Fullana and S. Fullana]
Juan Enrique Fullana Motor
Samuel Fullana Motor
Team: The Godoyos [J. Godoy and J. Godoy]
Juan David Godoy Motor
Javier Godoy Motor
Team: R4 Carrera [R. Hoeger and G. Hoeger]
Roland Hoeger Motor
Georgina Hoeger Motor
Team: Es Millors Team [J. Miquel and P. Pou]
Juan Miquel Motor
Poli Pou Motor
Team: La Mirada Team [E. Galiano and J. Roig]
Enrique Galiano Motor
José Mª Roig Motor
Team: F. Rodríguez and A. Marcel
Federico Rodríguez Motor
Alberto Marcel Motor
Team: Mns [J. Holmen and H. Holmen]
Jan Holmen Motor
Hanne C. Holmen Motor
Team: J. Pou and V. Cifuentes
Joan Pou Motor
Victor Hugo Cifuentes Motor
Team: Jo Puc & Partner [G. Castell and L. Terrasa]
Gabriel Castell Motor
Leonor Terrasa Motor
Team: Bluebelle [L. Sutton and C. Nutter]
Louise Sutton Motor
Charles Nutter Motor
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