3 Dias Trail Ibiza - Ultra Ibiza 2021

Registrations Made

3 Dias Trail Ibiza - Ultra Ibiza 2021
  • Date: 26/11/2021
  • TrailRunning
  • Eivissa
  • Time: 06:00
  • End Date: 28/11/2021
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 01/05/2021 12:00
  • Limit: 21/11/2021 23:59
  • Organiza: Trideporte
  • Fee: (Price structure)
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federació Atletisme Illes Balears/ Trail Running

3 Dias Trail Ibiza - Ultra Ibiza 2021

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: M. Boned Torres and J. Prats
Maria José Boned Torres Carrera
Juan Prats Carrera
Team: J. Castaño and C. Torres
Juan Antonio Castaño Carrera
Claudia Torres Carrera
Team: Moluscos [V. Toledano and E. Badaraco]
Victor Toledano Carrera
Emily Suzanne Badaraco Carrera
Team: Trideporte II [I. Ripoll and M. Guasch]
Isabel Ripoll Carrera
Manuel Guasch Carrera
Team: Sixpro Team Trail [I. Figueras and R. Moreno]
Ivet Figueras Carrera
Rubén Moreno Carrera
Team: Arista Team [J. Bialous and R. Vela]
Ricardo Vela Carrera
Joanna Bialous Carrera
Team: Los Saturninos [L. Simon and M. Rodríguez]
Laura Simon Carrera
Manuel Rodríguez Carrera
Team: The Montis [E. Montanari and L. Montanari]
Louis Montanari Carrera
Ellen Montanari Carrera
Team: Tu y yo [L. Yern and J. Cardona]
Lydia Yern Carrera
Jose Maria Cardona Carrera
Team: SOMOSLOBOX [C. Vives and M. Manzano]
Cati Vives Carrera
Mon Manzano Carrera
Team: Trideporte [S. Roig and R. Rodríguez]
Sasha Roig Carrera
Ramón Rodríguez Carrera
Team: Les Escargots [R. Milhe and A. Yung]
Alice Yung Carrera
Richard Milhe Carrera
Team: Team Mobilette [L. Chloe and L. Nicolas]
Laisne Chloe Carrera
Lemoine Nicolas Carrera
Team: Calle Baja [S. Garrigues and A. Bernat]
Alejo Bernat Carrera
Sandra Garrigues Carrera

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category Route
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