XI Duatlo Invertit de Nadal 2020

Registrations Made

XI Duatlo Invertit de Nadal 2020
  • Date: 20/12/2020
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Polideportivo Miquel Angel Nadal
  • City: Manacor
  • Time: 10:30
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 25/11/2020 21:00
  • Limit: 19/12/2020 21:00
  • Organiza: Agrupació Esportiva Manacor
  • Fee:
    16 €
    14 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 4.00 &euro for a day licence.

XI Duatlo Invertit de Nadal 2020

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Fermins Team [P. Mas and J. Yerga]
Javier Yerga Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Es 84 [P. Peñaranda and G. Morey]
Guillem Morey Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Cànaves [P. Canaves and T. Canaves]
Tomeu Canaves Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Trufa Psa Team [J. Sanchez and O. Farriol]
Olga Farriol Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Chimichurri [M. Moreno and C. Pardo]
Constanza Pardo Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Enric&Antonia [E. Galmes and A. Fluxà]
Antònia Mercè Fluxà Carrera 3000 m.
Team: M. Tous and A. Oliver
Agnes Oliver Carrera 3000 m.
Team: M. Fiol and J. Fiol
Miquel Fiol Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Las Blue [M. García and G. Diaz]
Graciela Diaz Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Grandmatattoo [A. Barceló and X. Bauza]
Xavier Bauza Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Team Batle [S. Batle and P. Femenias]
Pere Femenias Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Lunares [M. Orgillés and M. Vicens ]
Marc Orgillés Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Club Triatlón Hdg [J. Antunez and B. Ferrando ]
Blai Ferrando Carrera 3000 m.
Team: P. Bonnin and A. Muñoz
Pedro Bonnin Carrera 3000 m.
Team: La Bicicletta Artà [T. Melis and G. Fassanelli]
Toni Melis Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Joan I Miquela [J. Lliteras and M. Galmés]
Miquela Galmés Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Ct.Hdg Fuertes [J. Lares-Franco and M. Lares-Franco]
Manuel Lares-Franco Carrera 3000 m.
Team: SanchoTeam [S. Sureda and M. Ginard]
Martí Ginard Carrera 3000 m.
Team: TOTAL TEAM JR [T. Font and J. Mesquida]
Team: B. Tristancho and R. Galletero
Team: Trampó [B. Martí and S. Gelabert Mascaro]
Sebastia Gelabert Mascaro BTT 4000 m.
Bernadí Martí Carrera 3000 m.
Team: B. Galmes , M. Galmes and M. Galmes
Bernat Galmes BTT 4000 m.
Marc Galmes Carrera 3000 m.
Team: Gas I Pito [L. Galmes and P. Galmés]
Lluis Galmes BTT 4000 m.
Pascual Galmés Carrera 3000 m.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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