II Duatlo de Costitx 2015

Registrations Made

II Duatlo de Costitx 2015
  • Date: 20/09/2015
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • City: Costitx
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 03/09/2015 20:00
  • Limit: 19/09/2015 22:00
  • Fee:
    15 €
    12 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federación de Triatlón (FETRIB) / (FETRI)

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 5.00 &euro for a day licence.

Previous Events

II Duatlo de Costitx 2015

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida M30 [B. Capella and R. Echevarria]
Ricard Echevarria Carrera 20 Km.
Bernat Capella BTT 3200 m.
Team: Team Gallos [R. Delgado and J. Peris]
Rocío Delgado Carrera 20 Km.
Javier Peris BTT 3200 m.
Team: Filigranes Team [J. Gaya and J. Valens]
Joan Gaya Carrera 20 Km.
José Luis Valens BTT 3200 m.
Team: Pim Pam Masters Team [R. Bennasar and J. Seguí]
Juan Seguí Carrera 20 Km.
Rafel Bennasar BTT 3200 m.
Team: Els Patatons [E. Moyà and E. Ibáñez]
Eduard Moyà Carrera 20 Km.
Emilio Francisco Ibáñez BTT 3200 m.
Team: Somos Duros [D. Navarro Martinez and J. Alvarez]
José Carlos Alvarez Carrera 20 Km.
Daniel Navarro Martinez BTT 3200 m.
Team: Ca Na Bel Team [X. Bauza and J. Lliteras]
Xisca Bauza Carrera 20 Km.
Jaume Lliteras BTT 3200 m.
Team: Ara Venim [J. Jofre and B. Ramis]
Joan Carles Jofre Carrera 20 Km.
Bernardo Ramis BTT 3200 m.
Team: Club Ciclista Lloret De Vistalegre [G. Pastor and L. Navarro]
Guillem Magí Pastor Carrera 20 Km.
Lorenzo Navarro BTT 3200 m.
Team: Vecinos Team [M. Perello and A. Prats]
Miquel Perello Carrera 20 Km.
Antoni Prats BTT 3200 m.
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida [M. Ballester and J. Cañellas]
Joan Cañellas Carrera 20 Km.
Miquel Ballester BTT 3200 m.
Team: Trotadors D'Algaida 3 [T. Mudoy and F. Barceló]
Toni Mudoy Carrera 20 Km.
Francesc Barceló BTT 3200 m.
Team: Renguets [T. Fornas and B. Calero]
Bel Calero Carrera 20 Km.
Toni Fornas BTT 3200 m.
Team: "Garroví-Team" [B. Ramis and J. Nicolau]
Bernat Ramis Carrera 20 Km.
Julià Nicolau BTT 3200 m.
Team: Bocs Mtb Mallorca [X. Botín and N. Vidal]
Natalia Vidal Carrera 20 Km.
Xisco Botín BTT 3200 m.
Team: Nadal&Tonicavaller [N. Vallespir and A. Riutort]
Antoni Riutort Carrera 20 Km.
Nadal Vallespir BTT 3200 m.
Team: Labinblack Team [V. Ripoll and Q. Rosselló]
Quico Rosselló Carrera 20 Km.
Vicenç Ripoll BTT 3200 m.
Team: Tot Fa Poble [M. MUNAR and J. Roig]
Joan Roig Carrera 20 Km.
Team: Feim Lo Que Porem Team [S. Ruiz and T. Aulet]
Tia Aulet Carrera 20 Km.
Sergi Ruiz BTT 3200 m.
Team: J. Fornés and B. Martorell
Jordi Fornés Carrera 20 Km.
Baltasar Martorell BTT 3200 m.
Team: Esnom Eneri [I. Tur and M. Bergas]
Monserrat Bergas Carrera 20 Km.
Irene Tur BTT 3200 m.
Team: Bicis Sancho [E. Sobrado and N. Grimalt]
Eduardo Sobrado Carrera 20 Km.
Nofre Grimalt BTT 3200 m.
Team: Duet Tri&Bikes [M. Ferreira and E. Parra]
Emma Parra Carrera 20 Km.
Mario Jorge Ferreira BTT 3200 m.
Team: Penya Blaugrana Llubí [D. Perello and B. Campaner]
Bartomeu Campaner Carrera 20 Km.
Damia Perello BTT 3200 m.
Team: Trotadors d´Algaida [T. Gari and J. Pascual ]
Tomeu Gari Carrera 20 Km.
Javier Onofre Pascual BTT 3200 m.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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