Duatlo de Villafranca 2013

Registrations Made

Duatlo de Villafranca 2013
  • Date: 31/08/2013
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • City: Villafranca
  • Time: 17:30
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 30/08/2013 22:00
  • Organiza: Duatlo Villafranca
  • Fee:
    13 €
    10 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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Duatlo de Villafranca 2013

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: D. Lopez, L. Mas and D. Lopez
Diego Lopez Carrera 2700 m.
Diego Lopez Carrera 2700 m.
Llorenç Mas BTT 14 Km.
Team: Es Cervesers!!! [J. Mondejar and D. Dominguez]
David Dominguez Carrera 2700 m.
Joaquin Mondejar BTT 14 Km.
Team: Riera-Barcelo [J. Barcelo and J. Riera]
Joan Miquel Barcelo Carrera 2700 m.
Jaume Riera BTT 14 Km.
Team: J. Ferrer and F. Negreira
Julian Ferrer Carrera 2700 m.
Fernando Negreira BTT 14 Km.
Team: Anira Beeeee [J. Miguel and J. Fernandez]
Juan Miguel Carrera 2700 m.
Jose Antonio Fernandez BTT 14 Km.
Team: Puputs [A. Bibiloni and P. Estarellas]
Assumpció Bibiloni Carrera 2700 m.
Pere Estarellas BTT 14 Km.
Team: Zipi Zape Running Team [M. Caro and R. Rubiat]
María Del Carme Caro Carrera 2700 m.
Ricard Rubiat BTT 14 Km.
Team: Pau & Tomeu [T. Rigo and P. Gomila]
Tomeu Rigo Carrera 2700 m.
Pau Gomila BTT 14 Km.
Team: M. Rigo and C. Barceló
Miquel Rigo Carrera 2700 m.
Cristóbal Barceló BTT 14 Km.
Team: M. Bennàser and A. Colomer
Matías Bennàser Carrera 2700 m.
Angel Colomer BTT 14 Km.
Team: Liveablock [B. Fiol and J. Horrach]
Bernat Fiol Carrera 2700 m.
Juan Sebastian Horrach BTT 14 Km.
Team: Gerrets [C. Coll and L. Navarro]
Carlos Coll Carrera 2700 m.
Lorenzo Navarro BTT 14 Km.
Team: J. Oliver and J. Font
Jaime Font Carrera 2700 m.
Jaume Oliver BTT 14 Km.
Team: Las Standard [L. López and M. Sancho]
Leonor López Carrera 2700 m.
María Del Mar Sancho BTT 14 Km.
Team: Pues No Ho Se [J. Grimalt and S. Duran]
Sebastia Duran Carrera 2700 m.
Juaquin Grimalt BTT 14 Km.
Team: Arianyers [J. Ribot and M. Font]
Joan Ribot Carrera 2700 m.
Miquel Font BTT 14 Km.
Team: Los Bales [M. Mascaró and D. Gari]
Miquel Ángel Mascaró Carrera 2700 m.
Damia Gari BTT 14 Km.
Team: Milanes [P. Nicolau and G. Cabrer]
Guillem Cabrer Carrera 2700 m.
Pep Nicolau BTT 14 Km.
Team: Germans Riu [J. VENY and M. Veny]
JAIME VENY Carrera 2700 m.
Miguel Angel Veny BTT 14 Km.
Team: Binerbo Team [R. Ruiz and G. Fullana]
Guillem Fullana Carrera 2700 m.
Ramon Ruiz BTT 14 Km.
Team: Camel.Los [S. Brunet and J. Santos-Rodriguez]
Salvador Brunet Carrera 2700 m.
Jose Santos-Rodriguez BTT 14 Km.
Team: Moixos [J. Duran and J. Riera]
Jaume Duran Carrera 2700 m.
Juan Daniel Riera BTT 14 Km.
Team: R. Gaia and A. Gaià
Arnau Gaià Carrera 2700 m.
Rafel Gaia BTT 14 Km.
Team: Binerbo Team [J. Mestre and M. Veny]
M.Antonia Veny Carrera 2700 m.
Joan Toni Mestre BTT 14 Km.
Team: G. Simó, D. Reus and G. Simó
Gabriel Simó Carrera 2700 m.
Gabriel Simó Carrera 2700 m.
Daniel Reus BTT 14 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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