II Marato combinat - Restaurant el Cruce 2012

Registrations Made

II Marato combinat - Restaurant el Cruce 2012
  • Date: 08/12/2012
  • Duatlón
  • Mallorca
  • City: Vilafranca
  • Time: 10:30
  • Registered:
  • Fee:
    13 €
    10 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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II Marato combinat - Restaurant el Cruce 2012

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Chupets! [M. Nicolau and A. Egidos]
Antoni Egidos Carrera 12 Km.
Miquel Angel Nicolau Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: J. López and P. Quintana
Julian López Carrera 12 Km.
Pedro Quintana Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: M. Munar and J. Vicente
Miquel Munar Carrera 12 Km.
Jordi Vicente Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Rks-Ctc [R. Esquinas and D. Gonzálvez]
Raúl Esquinas Carrera 12 Km.
David Gonzálvez Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Gd Quintana/ Cn Llucmajor [J. Tur and J. Quintana]
Joan Tur Carrera 12 Km.
Jose Quintana Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: J. Frau and M. Estelrich
Joan Frau Carrera 12 Km.
Miquel Àngel Estelrich Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Cycling Planet [J. Navarro and D. Muntaner]
Juan Navarro Carrera 12 Km.
David Muntaner Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Establiments Duo [D. Moreno and J. Juaneda ]
David Moreno Carrera 12 Km.
Jaime Juaneda Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: P. Campillo and A. Muntaner
Pablo Campillo Carrera 12 Km.
Alberto Muntaner Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Amics De Petits [A. Amer and T. Alcover]
Adrià Amer Carrera 12 Km.
Tomeu Alcover Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: D. Ordóñez and J. Garcia
David Ordóñez Carrera 12 Km.
Jacobo Garcia Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Malalts De Turmell [T. Lliteres and T. Llinas]
Toni Lliteres Carrera 12 Km.
Toni Llinas Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Que Te Pareix [P. Bennasar and A. Piris ]
Pedro Bennasar Carrera 12 Km.
Antonio Piris Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Stelvio [G. Servera and T. Esteva]
Gabriel Servera Carrera 12 Km.
Tofol Esteva Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Monjos Team I Ja M'Agafaràs [D. Duran and N. Riera]
David Duran Carrera 12 Km.
Nofre Riera Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Ca Eivissenc Entrevesat [J. Bauzá and M. Evangelisti]
Jaume Bauzá Carrera 12 Km.
Marco Evangelisti Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: D. Reus and J. Rosselló Castell
Joan Rosselló Castell Carrera 12 Km.
Daniel Reus Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Coanegra [N. Rossello and B. Comas]
Narciso Rossello Carrera 12 Km.
Bernat Comas Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: J. Crespi and P. Sureda
Pep Sureda Carrera 12 Km.
Juan Pedro Crespi Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Triats-Correcaminos [X. Lares-Franco and D. Sanchez]
David Sanchez Carrera 12 Km.
Xavi Lares-Franco Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: J. Mas and G. Munar
Guillem Munar Carrera 12 Km.
Jaume Guillem Mas Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Fullgas [J. Pons and D. Llompart]
David Llompart Carrera 12 Km.
Joan Pons Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Duokintana [T. Del Olmo and S. Carayol]
Susana Carayol Carrera 12 Km.
Teo Del Olmo Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: Mou-Te En Bici [M. Torres and P. Soler]
Miquel Àngel Torres Carrera 12 Km.
Pau Soler Ciclismo 30 Km.
Team: C. Atletisme Porreres [T. Moreno and T. Rigo]
Tomeu Rigo Carrera 12 Km.
Tofol Moreno Ciclismo 30 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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