Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2022

Registrations Made

Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2022
  • Date: 22/10/2022
  • Cursa per Muntanya
  • Mallorca
  • Location: Soller
  • City: Soller
  • Time: 06:00
  • Registered:
  • Start Reg.: 22/05/2022 09:00
  • Limit: 11/10/2022 23:59
  • Fee:
    Price structure
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Esta competición se rige por las normas de la Federación:

Federació Balear de Muntanyisme i Escalada 2024

The athletes who participate in this competition and are not federated for 2024, will have to pay an extra fee of 10.00 &euro for a day licence.

Mallorca 5000 Skyrunning 2022

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: Porcs Runners [S. Sanchez, G. De Vicente and J. Jimenez]
Sergi Sanchez Carrera 13 Km.
Jose Miguel Jimenez Carrera 16 Km.
Gustavo De Vicente Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Patagónicos 5000 [J. Bonnin, S. Amer and F. Serrano]
Francisco Manuel Serrano Carrera 13 Km.
Juan Bonnin Carrera 16 Km.
Sebastià Amer Carrera 22 Km.
Team: ALTRES HERBES [L. Vila, R. Cerdà and H. Villar]
Ramon Cerdà Carrera 13 Km.
Hamal Villar Carrera 16 Km.
Llorenç Vila Carrera 22 Km.
Team: #Dunagateramevaigapuntar [M. Llompart, A. Perelló Valls and M. Cifre]
Miquel Llompart Carrera 13 Km.
Antoni Perelló Valls Carrera 16 Km.
Mateu Cifre Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Nothingam Prisa [F. Gamundí, A. Viver and P. Cladera]
Antoni Viver Carrera 13 Km.
Francisco Miguel Gamundí Carrera 16 Km.
Pau Cladera Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Vileros Gamberros [J. Capó, J. Moragues and F. Ribot]
Francisca Ribot Carrera 13 Km.
Josep Capó Carrera 16 Km.
Joan Toni Moragues Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Clandestinos [A. Suárez, P. Fernandez and E. Santín]
Paula Fernandez Carrera 13 Km.
Estelita Santín Carrera 16 Km.
Angel Suárez Carrera 22 Km.
Team: M. Jordano, J. Zarco and A. Burgos
Alejandro Burgos Carrera 13 Km.
Jesus Zarco Carrera 16 Km.
Miguel Jordano Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Rustits Mallorcatrail [A. Peralta, A. Salamanca and B. Calero]
Bel Calero Carrera 13 Km.
Andres Salamanca Carrera 16 Km.
Adria Peralta Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Barruts Trail Team [J. Alemany, G. Coll Pericàs and J. Martorell]
Juan Antonio Alemany Carrera 13 Km.
Guillem Coll Pericàs Carrera 16 Km.
Joan Martorell Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Barruts Atletic [M. Bonnin, B. Font and C. Vives]
Miquel Bonnin Carrera 13 Km.
Biel Font Carrera 16 Km.
Cristòfol Vives Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Galeria 19 [J. Barceló, S. Jaume and N. Nadal]
Jaume Barceló Carrera 13 Km.
Sion Xavier Jaume Carrera 16 Km.
Nofre Nadal Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Diaita Junior [J. Amer, R. Navarro and P. Soler]
Joan Amer Carrera 13 Km.
Rubén Navarro Carrera 16 Km.
Pau Albert Soler Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Los Reventados [C. Correa, A. Garcia and P. Gómez]
Cristina Correa Carrera 13 Km.
Antonio Garcia Carrera 16 Km.
Pablo Gómez Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Develop Team Jtt [J. Guirado, T. Medevielle and T. Houzet]
Jorge Guirado Carrera 13 Km.
Thomas Medevielle Carrera 16 Km.
Thomas Houzet Carrera 22 Km.
Team: Athletic Club Torpes [J. González, M. Ortin and A. Gacias Font]
Mariana Ortin Carrera 13 Km.
Joan Martí González Carrera 16 Km.
Amador Gacias Font Carrera 22 Km.

Athletes signed up

  Number Name Club Year Gender Category
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