
Ergebnisse 171 - 180 von 183 in 1.208 Sekunden.

Nova normalitat a les curses

Noticias[0 %]
19/07/2020, Nova normalitat a les curses, Des del passat dissabte dia 11, podem dir que ens hem tornat a posar el "xip", aquesta vegada és la més especial de totes. Les condicions són les que ens marca la situació de pandèmia que vivim, però intentant sempre mirar endavant i sobretot amb seny. Des ...
Palabras Clave: #elitechip #novanormalitat #gracies

BEST Centre Masters Competition 2017

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... Masters Competition, 2017, 15/09/2017, BEST Centre Masters Competition 15-17 September 2017 Outdoor 50m pool At all sessions there will be a social area at the pool to meet and relax. Entry fees Entry fees are 5 euros per event plus 10 euros. Prizes Medals for top three in each age in each ...

IV CaixaBank 10 Km Port de Palma 2015

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... CORTE INGLES" Avda. Alejandro Rosello, 12 at the 7th floor (Palma de Mallorca) DISTANCE: 10.000 m. REFRESHMENT: Every 4 kms. aprox (water); in finish area (fruit, water and refreshment drinks) OTHERS: Gift bag to all registered athletes; wardrobe and medal to all finishers. INSCRIPTIONS: until 19/03/2015: ...

Al febrer ens llevam el fred

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30/01/2020, Al febrer ens llevam el fred, Arriba el cap de setmana i amb ell un canvi de mes...sí, sí, ja ha passat el mes de gener (si sembla que era que estàvem al Nadal i corrent a les Sant Silvestres no?). Tot i el bon temps que tenim aquests dies, ja sabem que al febrer mai se sap...així que ...
Palabras Clave: #atletisme #trailrunning #chip

XXII Mitja Marató Ciutat de Palma 2014

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... Sagrera, Autovía de Levante, centre of Palma (Flat, asphalt; closed to traffic) REFRESHMENT: every 4 kms. aprox (water); in finish area (water and refreshment drinks) OTHERS: Gift bag to all registered athletes; wardrobe and medal to all finishers. INSCRIPTIONS: ...

Fornells se prepara para lucir récord en el Half 2019

Noticias[0 %]
11/09/2019, Fornells se prepara para lucir récord en el Half 2019, A diez días de que se dispute la prueba ya se han superado las 560 inscripciones y todo hace indicar que en total participarán 700 deportistas entre las dos modalidades en individual y por equipos, Fornells, que cumplirá su décimo ...

III 10 Km Port de Palma 2014

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... Sagrera, Autovía de Levante, centre of Palma (Flat, asphalt; closed to traffic) REFRESHMENT: every 4 kms. aprox (water); in finish area (water and refreshment drinks) OTHERS: Gift bag to all registered athletes; wardrobe and medal to all finishers. INSCRIPTIONS: ...

II Mallorca Olympic Triathlon 2012

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... Veteran 3 (60+) 4 May, 2012: Race registration opens: 15:00 h Technical meeting: 18:30 h 5 May, 2012 Race registration: 07:30 h Transition area opens: 08:30 h Start: 10:00 h Timetable: Rules:, ...

III Mitja Marató Illa de Formentera 2011

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... Mola lighthouse (start). Transfer of participants: Sunday 15th May 2011 with the following meeting points and times: - La Savina (dock parking area) at 08:15 h - Tourism Information Office (Es Pujols) at 08:30 h - Mariland crossing (rising up to La Mola), at 08:45 h Race control: consisting ...

XVIII Medio Maraton Ciutat de Palma 2010

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... asphalt; Paseo Marítimo, Autovía de Levante, Portixol del Molinar, centre of Palma; closed to traffic REFRESHMENT: every 4 kms. aprox (water); in finish area (water and refreshment drinks) OTHERS: Gift bag to all registered athletes; wardrobe; medal and diploma to all finishers; gift lottery, etc. INSCRIPTIONS: ...
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