
Ergebnisse 161 - 170 von 183 in 1.096 Sekunden.

8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina 2021

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina, 2021, 09/10/2021, 8 Km Sant Ferran- La Savina GENERAL INFORMATION Registration fee: 18 ? Minimum age: Participants must be 16 on the day of the competition. Should be under 18, you must provide a parental consent required by the organization for that purpose. The ...

Marxa de Llevant 2020

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... MARXA DE LLEVANT 2020 Mallorca's most eagerly awaited cyclotourist will be celebrating the "Marxa de Llevant" on Saturday 21st March 2020 in the Levante area of Mallorca., MARXA DE LLEVANT 2020 Mallorca's most eagerly awaited cyclotourist will be celebrating the "Marxa de Llevant" on Saturday 21st ...

NUTRICIÓN y TRIATLÓN: algunos errores comunes

Noticias[0 %]
... entre el sector natación y ciclismo. Durante la travesía a nado el triatleta puede haber tragado agua marina debido a empujones, golpes o por la misma marea. Esto hace que se cree un ambiente plasmático hipertónico debido al exceso de sodio en el agua de mar, por lo que si tomamos una bebida con las ...
Palabras Clave: #elitechip #nutricio

8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina 2019

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... (C/ Barcelona, near square direction Sant Ferran) at 4:15 p.m. Mariland crossing (rising up to La Mola), at 4:15 p.m. Es Caló (little port parking area), at 4:30 p.m. + Information, 8 Km Sant Ferran- La Savina Registration fee: 18 ? Minimum age: Participants ...

27a 1/2 Marató Ciutat de Palma - 10K Port de Palma 2019

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... Marítimo, Paseo Sagrera, Autovía de Levante, centre of Palma (Flat, asphalt; closed to traffic) REFRESHMENT: every 4 kms. aprox (water); in finish area (fruit, water and refreshment drinks) OTHERS: Gift bag to all registered athletes; wardrobe and medal to all finishers. INSCRIPTIONS: until 15/03/2019: On-line: ...

X Mitja Marató Illa de Formentera 2018

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... at 4 p.m. Sant Ferran (in front of Hostal Illes Pitiuses) at 4:15 p.m. Es Ca Mari Crossing (Pm-820) at 4:15 p.m. Es Caló (little port parking area), at 4:15 p.m. Mariland crossing (rising up to La Mola), at 4:30 p.m. + Information, X 1/2 Marató Popular Illa de ...

8 km. Sant Ferran - La Savina 2017

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... (C/ Barcelona, near square direction Sant Ferran) at 4:15 p.m. Mariland crossing (rising up to La Mola), at 4:15 p.m. Es Caló (little port parking area), at 4:30 p.m. Es Ca Mari Crossing (Pm-820) at 4:40 p.m. + Information, GENERAL INFORMATION Date: 13 de maig de 2017. ...

IX Mitja Marató Illa de Formentera 2017

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... Suprmarket)) at 4 p.m. Sant Ferran (in front of Hostal Illes Pitiuses) at 4:15 p.m. Es Ca Mari Crossing (Pm-820) at 4:15 p.m. Es Caló (little port parking area), at 4:15 p.m. Mariland crossing (rising up to La Mola), at 4:30 p.m. + Information, IX 1/2 Marató Popular Illa ...

Marxa de Llevant 2017

Wettkämpfe[0 %]
Marxa de Llevant, 2017, 05/03/2017, Once again we welcome all cyclists from all corners of this cyclotourist celebrated in the area of the Levant Mallorquín baptized as the "Marxa de Llevant" which is already 16 years old. Exit of the marx de llevant 2017 Remember our bases of participation: ...


Wettkämpfe[0 %]
... this edition to make room for more variety and dynamism. And of course the pedestrian, spectacular career as a few circuit for his transit through the area of the Castell de Sa Punta de N´Amer with spectacular views, which makes less suffered the passage of athletes. DISTANCES Olympic 51.1 ( 1.5-40-10 ...
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