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8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina 2024

Competitions[50 %]
... registration and keep it open for the new date. Race Control: This will be carried out with a chip. Participants who have a yellow chip may use it once they have coded with the organisation (enter the code in the registration form on the website). Participants who do not own a chip must buy a one ...

Las furgonetas de Mercedes-Benz en Duran Calviá

News[50 %]
31/05/2018, Las furgonetas de Mercedes-Benz en Duran Calviá, Auto Vidal Concesionario Mercedes-Benz acercará los modelos Citán, Vito, Sprinter y el nuevo pick up Clase X a todas las personas interesadas en probar estos modelos y conocerlos en primera persona los días 6 y 7 de junio, Los próximos ...

8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina 2023

Competitions[50 %]
... registration and keep it open for the new date. Race Control: This will be carried out with a chip. Participants who have a yellow chip may use it once they have coded with the organisation (enter the code in the registration form on the website). Participants who do not own a chip must buy a one ...

The Meadower- Menorca 2023

Competitions[50 %]
... after this date. Any changes of name, distance or withdrawals are permitted within the time limits set by the organisers. They will have a cost in concept of management expenses of 10?. 6. PRICES CATEGORY/DISTANCE REDUCED PRICE PRICES FROM 1ST TO 31st OF MARCH PRICES FROM 1ST ...

A gaudir del diumenge!!!

News[50 %]
21/02/2020, A gaudir del diumenge!!!, Aquest cap de setmana, el calendari de curses d'Elitechip es concentra el diumenge. Tendrem representació a Mallorca i Eivissa. Al municipi d'Escorca a Mallorca, la Lluc Trail -VII CxM Escorca donarà inici als 12 km espectaculars, que a més serà Campionat de ...
Keywords: #xip #xipgroc #running #muntanya

IV Atlante Rally Of Classics 2022

Competitions[50 %]
... ? Valid vehicle insurance and MOT / ITV test (it is mandatory to provide the documentation on the day of the race) Credit card 3. Once all data have been completed, we will send a confirmation e-mail; and then? get ready for the Rally of the year?!!!! If you need help, call ...

XIII Mitja Marató Illa de Formentera 2022

Competitions[50 %]
... costs of each participant (such as bank commissions or other registration costs incurred).Race Control: Participants who have a yellow chip may use it once they have coded it through the organisation (enter the code in the registration form on the website). Participants who do not own a chip must rent ...

8 km Sant Ferran - La Savina 2022

Competitions[50 %]
... costs of each participant (such as bank commissions or other registration costs incurred). Race Control: Participants who have a yellow chip may use it once they have coded it through the organization (enter the code in the registration form on the website). Participants who do not own a chip must rent ...

Triathlon of Senses 2022 at Six Senses Ibiza

Competitions[50 %]
... submitted not longer than 15 minutes after the event to the Head Referee (HR) of the event. Any claim made after the end of the event will not be accepted. Once the trophies have been awarded, no claim will be accepted. Art. 15. - RESPONSIBILITY The race organization is not responsible for any moral, material ...

Muntanya o asfalt? Tu tries!

News[50 %]
... primer mes de l?any es tanca aquest cap de setmana amb dos esdeveniments per corredors al calendari d? Dos curses força diferents i concentrades a Mallorca repartides entre dissabte i diumenge. La primera cursa serà la primera edició de la Cursa X Muntanya ? Serra Nord, una prova ...
Keywords: Elitechip, Fin de semana,
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