4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2016

Registrations Made

4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2016
  • Date: 14/02/2016
  • Open BTT
  • Mallorca
  • Time: 10:00
  • Registered:
  • Limit: 13/02/2016 21:00
  • Organiza: Resiteam
  • Fee:
    43 €
    40 € *
    * Precio con chip amarillo
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4 Hores Resistencia MTB Puig de Sant Marti 2016

Registrations Made

Athletes signed up

Below you can see the list of all those signed up for the competition. There are currently athletes signed up for this competition.


  Name Year Gender Club Category
Team: J. Sans and R. Bauza
Joan Sans BTT
Rafel Bauza BTT
Team: Team La Roca Loca [O. Portella and R. Bosch]
Octavio Portella BTT
Rafael Bosch BTT
Team: Mir Biciarreglopalma [D. Serrano and D. Rayo ]
David Rayo BTT
David Serrano BTT
Team: J. Sabater and M. Mesquida
Juan José Sabater BTT
Marti Mesquida BTT
Team: Magaluf-Alcudia Irons Raiders [R. Caliz and V. Cuenca ]
Raul Caliz BTT
Victor Manuel Cuenca BTT
Team: Biciarreglopalma - Mir [R. Ors and V. López]
Víctor López BTT
Rafa Ors BTT
Team: Hotels Viva - Island Sport [M. Torres and G. Coll Fiol]
Miquel Torres BTT
Gabriel Coll Fiol BTT
Team: Mou-Te En Bici M20 [G. Torrens and P. Cañellas]
Guillem Torrens BTT
Pedro Cañellas BTT
Team: Mou-Te En Bici M30 [T. Quetglas and E. Sanchez]
Toni Quetglas BTT
Emilio Jose Sanchez BTT
Team: Trotadors d'Algaida [B. Capella and J. Sastre]
Bernat Capella BTT
Juan Sastre BTT
Team: Mou-Te En Bici [M. Mas and X. Quetglas]
Xisco Quetglas BTT
Mateo Mas BTT
Team: Mecabici Team [R. Camara and M. Ferrero]
Raul Camara BTT
Marçal Ferrero BTT
Team: Ja Ho Vorem [L. Ramis and J. Company]
Jordi Company BTT
Llorenç Ramis BTT
Team: Sancho Boys Juvenils [G. Riera and M. Bauçà]
Miquel Bauçà BTT
Guillem Riera BTT
Team: Poyuelos [J. Fernandez and J. Mayans ]
Javier Fernandez BTT
Juan Mayans BTT
Team: Corroteam [T. Sastre and P. Mestre]
Toni Sastre BTT
Pep Toni Mestre BTT
Team: A. Gelabert and P. Ginard
Pere Ginard BTT
Albert Gelabert BTT
Team: Es Pastorets [P. Hernández and J. Fernandez]
Jose Antonio Fernandez BTT
Pep Toni Hernández BTT
Team: Ciclos Requena [T. Camarasa and J. Dominguez]
Toni Camarasa BTT
Jose Dominguez BTT
Team: Tony & Peter [P. Widman and A. Molina]
Peter Widman BTT
Antonio Molina BTT
Team: Cafes Bay Team [J. Martorell and A. Vallcaneras]
Jaume Martorell BTT
Antonio Vallcaneras BTT
Team: Atravessats [G. Campaner and F. Ripoll ]
Guiem Campaner BTT
Francisco Ripoll BTT
Team: Cdc Manacorí [S. Amer and M. Pascual]
Sebastià Amer BTT
Miquel Pascual BTT
Team: Roberto I Lluis [L. Bauza and R. ortega izquierdo]
Roberto ortega izquierdo BTT
Lluis Gabriel Bauza BTT
Team: Es Pedal [J. Negre and G. Jaume]
Joan Negre BTT
Gori Jaume BTT
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