Start: Sant Ferran, Ctra. de La Mola Km. 6,2 at 6 p.m.
Finish: Paseo de la Marina (La Savina).
Latest arrival time: 8:00 p.m.
Registration deadline: 600 runners
Registration fee:
15 €, before April 23rd
20 €, from April 24th till May 13th (online registration period will finish on May 13th at 12 p.m.)
30 € on Friday May 17th (new registrations will be not accepted on Saturday May 18th)
The constitution of a category requires the inscription of a minimum of three athletes in said category. To the contrary the Organization reserves the right to invalidate said category and classify athletes in others.
Absolute masculine.
Absolute feminine.
Local absolute male (cumulative trophy with other categories).
Local absolute female (cumulative trophy with other categories).
Junior masculine and feminine (01/01/1994 – 18/05/1997)
Up and coming and senior masculine and feminine (19/05/1978 - 31/12/1993)
M35 masculine and feminine (19/05/1968 – 18/05/1978)
M45 masculine and feminine (19/05/1958 – 18/05/1968)
M55 masculine and feminine (born before 19/05/1958)
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